Thursday, October 1, 2009

I forget easily. I forget that God loves me. I forget She has a plan that includes my happiness. I forget that the insanity I confront daily - - heartless insanity of bureaucracy, cruel insanity of social mores, ruthless insanity of enforced mediocrity - - need not rule me. I forget I can live in another world, one not defined by these insanities.

Today I choose my world, where love is priority, where creativity is honored, where magic is alive and working effectively, where priorities are beauty, helping others, and fun.

I can live this choice if I do not live in anger at the insanities of others. Anger keeps me living in their world all day, living according to their rules and defeatist beliefs, living in their confusion, bitterness, and mistakes. I release the anger now, and so now live where love is priority, creativity is honored, magic is working festively. Beauty, service, and fun become all. So be it.

God I love the idea that most don't understand me but to the rest God Bless and sorry I have been busy the last few days.

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