Monday, November 29, 2010
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and I apologize for not updating more often but I have been quite busy. I promise to update more this week.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Solution For Sex Rehab
I have an answer for sex rehab, keep your peen in your pants. I do believe people do need help but honestly are we going to have killer rehab for all the murderers also?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Vikings At Bears Today
We are half way through the football season and every game is magnified as a much win more than usual. I am still not sure how the Bears are as a team but the Bears are 5-3 and the Vikings are 3-5 and yet the Vikings are a 1 point favorite to win this battle in Chicago. I know the Bears may get beat but I hope they kick the snot out of the Vikings today.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
WGN Gets Rid Of The Pig
update: I have removed this picture from this post.
I apologize if it had offended anyone...
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Chicago Bears Begin The 2nd Half Of The Season Today
The Chicago bears return to action today after a bye week and I hope they play better football and not like "The Stooges" in the video above.
Lebron James Nike Parody Commercial
I have to admit I love parody that someone in Cleveland made about the egotistic Lebron James Nike commercial.
Did Immodestly-Dressed Women Cause The Earthquake In Iran?
Last night there was a earthquake in northwestern Iran and I was just wondering if that senior Iranian clerk still believes earthquakes are still caused by immodestly-dressed women (Boobquake)?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Toys For Tots Campaign
I know it is early but it will be here before you know it and this is a reminder that will give you plenty of time to help out the Toys For Tots drive. Check out the link below to make a donation and thanks in advance.
Toys For Tots Link
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Why Vote ?
I have been asked by many why do I even vote and what's the point? I vote because many have sacrificed a lot so that we have the right to vote. I don't care if you like everything about politicians and I don't agree with all the negative campaign commercials and that it is a big turn off. I figure with all the sacrifices many have given that the least I could do is take little bit of my time and vote.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Interuption In My Blogging
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Bombogenisis Here Today
Monday, October 25, 2010
Chicago was EmBEARassed Yesterday
The Chicago Bears offensive played like crap yesterday and next week they have a bye week. The only thing I can say is hopefully they can shake it off.
Funny Social Media Parody
The video above is a parody from a local TV station in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area. I thought this video was hilarious and then I got to thinking that this really is not to far off from reality.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Close Election Races In Illinois
The latest polls in Illinois shows that all the races are very close. The mid term elections are less than a week and a half away and this is once again a reminder to vote and be heard. I'm not telling you who to vote for, I'm just telling you if you want your voice heard, then exercise your right and vote.
The link below is where you can type in your address and find the polling place that is nearest you to vote.
Click here to find your nearest polling place
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I Need To Get A Beer Dog Like This One
Awesome Beer Fetching Dog - Watch more Funny Videos
I might have to have a towel around to wipe my beer bottle but I love this dog.
Lion And Kid At The Zoo
Zoo Lion Vs Little Kid - Watch more Funny Videos
Nothing is better than bringing your kids to the zoo and traumatizing them for life.
Japanese TV Show Prank With Zombie Attacking Children
Japanese TV Show Pranks Kids With Zombie Attack! - Watch more horror
I know that it was cruel to scare these kids in this video and you have to read the comments to understand it, but I couldn't help laughing throughout this one.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Its Friday, Enough Said
I don't know, maybe because it is Friday and there is a full moon, anyway enjoy.
Funny Obama (WARNING NSFW)
Don't watch this video unless you don't mind humor and don't care about explicit language. I don't know where my friend found this one and I guess I don't want to ask him either.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
What Ever Happened To The Neighborhood Knife Sharpener?
I was preparing my food for dinner last night when I realized my knife was very dull. I pulled out my knife sharpener and had a flashback from my youth. I know the sharpener did do the job and did sharpen my knife, but not even close to the way knives and scissors used to be sharpened. The best knife sharpener was the neighborhood man, who used to walk around with his cart sharpening knives all day long did. I have talked to quite a few folks and it seems like everyone had at least one sharpener in their neighborhood. So I ask, whatever happened to these neighborhood icons?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Week 7 NFL Picks
( The above picture is the way the offensive line of the Bears have played so far this year)
Last week I picked 7 out of 14 right and so far this year I'm not picking that great but I did beat 3 out of 6 people on their picks last week.
If you want to play just leave your picks in the comment box below:
Picks for this week:
Week 7
Bengals over the Falcons
Bears over the Redskins
Eagles over the Titans
Jaguars over the Chiefs
Steelers over the Dolphins
Saints over the Browns
Buccaneers over the Rams
Panthers over the 49ers
Ravens over the Bills
Seahawks over the Cardinals
Chargers over the Patriots
Broncos over the Raiders
Vikings over the Green Bay
Monday Night
Cowboys over the Giants
Gravity Defying (Sperm) Shoe ???
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tea Party? Screw That I'm For The Rent Is Too Damn High Party
I'm not saying I'd vote for this guy but I sure do love his message.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Good Old Chester
I'm not saying I'd do this to just anyone but there have been times when I have gone to a laundromat and wanted to this myself.
Halloween Poem
Link to Stevie & Johnnie's Halloween Poem
Most every night I listen to a radio show overnight on WGN radio. The show is the Steve & Johnnie Show and every year they publish a Halloween poem and I thought this year I figured I'd share it with you. Click This Link
You can listen the show on
Monday morning 2-5 a.m., Monday-Thursday night midnight 5 a.m. (Central Time)
President Obama To Appear On Mythbusters
Monday Morning Tortoise Helping Out Another Tortoise
Today is Monday morning and the coffee isn't kicking in and I have a meeting. I just hope someone helps me out like the tortoise above helps out the other one.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Des Plaines Theater Rebirth Again ????
The Des Plaines Theater may open again and not just show Bollywood movies. This place has hardly been used in the last 20 years and for many years there have been talks to revitalize it. It looks like they might actually do something about it now. Check out the link to the story below from the Des Plaines Journal.
Des Plaines Theater Story Link
Neighbors Of The Year Apologize
Neighbors of the year apologize and I don't buy it. The freaking ahole neighbors who taunted a dying 9-year old apologized and I believe they only did it because they were in fear for their own safety. The only thing I can say is Thank God for all the other good people out there that did showed up to support this little girl.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Neighbors Of The Year ???
Wouldn't we all want pieces of s@#t neighbors like these two morons. I just don't know really what to say about them except that they are heartless, feeble-minded thrash.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Illinois Misses The Deadline For Mailing Absentee Ballots To The Military
WLS-AM 890
I read this story on the website for WLS about Illinois missing the deadline for mailing absentee ballots to the members of the military. I just have to say another reason to say Illinois is making us all proud about the state all over again.
By Adam Zielinski
CHICAGO (WLS) - The U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether the state of Illinois missed the deadline for mailing absentee ballots to members of the military and other overseas American voters as part of a new federal overseas voting law.
Cris Cray, Director of Legislation at the Illinois State Board of Elections, says not all of Illinois' 110 jurisdictions were compliant with the 2009 Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE).
The law requires every state to mail their absentee ballots 45 days prior to Election Day to overseas troops, government employees and other Americans who want to vote from abroad.
Cray says she is currently compiling data from each of Illinois' jurisdictions to determine which were compliant and which were delinquent. Cray said it's possible the ballots may not be counted because the state was tardy in sending them out.
Illinois was required to have all of its absentee ballots mailed by Sept. 18, the national deadline. Election officials have until Nov. 16 to count the absentee ballots, which must be postmarked by midnight Nov. 1 to be eligible.
In an e-mail response, Justice Department spokeswoman Xochil Hinojosa confirmed that Illinois is being investigated for the absentee ballot infraction.
"The Department is working with all states, including Illinois, to investigate and remedy any problems that will prevent our men and women serving overseas from having the opportunity to vote and have their votes counted," Hinojosa said.
The Justice Department has brought a lawsuit against the state of New York after settling with New Mexico over a similar case of delinquent absentee ballots for overseas Americans.
Several New York counties including the five boroughs of New York City were found to be in violation of the deadline after the state was permitted by the Defense Department to move its deadline to Oct. 1 because the state's primary day was four days before the deadline.
The Justice Department settled a case with New Mexico Tuesday where six counties failed to mail ballots by the deadline.
Overseas ballots could be a deciding factor in Illinois' mid-term elections where recent polls show a tight U.S. Senate race between Republican Mark Kirk and Democrat Alexi Giannoulias. Republican Bill Brady has an edge over Democratic incumbent Pat Quinn for governor.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Leslie's Omnibus: Drive-Bys
Leslie's Omnibus: Drive-Bys
If you don't like my opinions but want to hear from somebody that probably has a better feel on what is going then I do, then I would suggest visit Leslie's Omnibus...
Check out her link below:
Leslie's Omnibus
PS OK, Sorry Leslie for the lame pic
Obama On The Chilean Miners
I don't normally watch Jimmy Fallon but I was flipping through the channels last night and have to admit I do love the line he delivered below:
JIMMY FALLON: President Obama was actually watching some of the rescue effort on TV today. Obama said he just wanted to see how they dig people out of a giant hole in other countries.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
NFL Football Picks Week 6
So last week I stunk it up and went 7 out of 14 and 5 out of 6 people beat me. This week hopefully I'm ready and will change things around. If you want to go up against me like 6 other folks do then just post your picks in the comment box on the bottom of this post.
Week 6
Bears over the Seahawks
Ravens over the Patriots
Giants over the Lions
Falcons over the Eagles
Steelers over the Browns
Packers over the Dolphins
Chargers over the Rams
Saints over the Buccaneers
Texans over the Chiefs
49ers over the Raiders
Jets over the Broncos
Cowboys over the Vikings
Colts over the Redskins
Jaguars over the Titans
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tag In The Year 2010
This video makes make feel old but for the most part it is true about the generation growing up.
Don't Watch Those Scary Movies
It's October and for many it is that time of the year to watch those scary movies. The only problem with watching scary movies is that make sure you don't stay up too late watching them, because you may have a demented Dad.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Next Chicago Mayor ???
Saturday, October 9, 2010
John Lennon Peace Tower
Earlier today a single ray of light was lit in Iceland to mark what would have been john Lennon's 70th birthday. Here is to someone who tried and in the hope that someday we all will have peace.....
I don't know how long it will be on the web but here is the link:
John Lennon Peace Tower Link
Chicago Blackhawks Home Opener
Tonight is the Chicago Blackhawks home opener against the dreaded Dead Wings. All the experts say that the Blackhawks don't have a chance at repeating as the Stanley Cup Champions. I say this to everyone that if you asked anyone 3 years ago that the Blackhawks were going to be the Champs in such a short time then I would call them a liar or a psychic. On that note here's to another fun season and Go Hawks!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Universal Beer Remote Control
This is a must have item for me, a universal remote control with a bottle opener built in it. I would only need some chips, beer, and a pizza and I'd be all set. You can get it at Urban Outfitters for about 25 bucks.
Use this link to see it at their website
John Lennon Stand By Me
Tomorrow, Saturday October 9, 2010 John Lennon would have been 70 years old. I'm not saying that I was the greatest Beatles or John Lennon fan but I have to admit that he did stand up for what he believed in. I believe that if we all would stand up for what we believe in and did it in a peaceful way that we all would be better off.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sporting News Makes Chicago The #1 Sports City Of 2010
Link Chicago 2010 Best Sports City by the Sporting News
The Sporting News has made Chicago the #1 Sports City of 2010 (wonder if the Blackhawks had anything to do with it).
If you would like to see where your city ranks check out the link above.
NFL Footbal Picks Week 5
Last week I picked 10 out of 14 right and even though it seems like I am getting worse rather than better, I did beat 4 out of 6 people that went against me. This week I hope to improve on my record and if you want to then go ahead and see what you can do against me and good luck!
Jaguars over the Bills
Bengals over the Buccaneers
Falcons over the Browns
Lions over the Rams
Colts over the Chiefs
Packers over the Redskins
Bears over the Panthers
Ravens over the Broncos
Texans over the Giants
Saints over the Cardinals
Chargers over the Raiders
Cowboys over the Titans
49ers over the Eagles
Monday Night
Jets over the Vikings
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Zombie Attacks How To Survive Them
How to Survive a Zombie Attack on Howcast
I figured Halloween is just around the corner and with that being said, that is why I posted this video on how to survive zombie attacks.
This Teacher Hates Cell Phones
I take it this teacher hates cell phones but at least she doesn't miss a beat.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Cigar Guy In Tiger Woods Photo
Conan Washes His Car
I have to admit that the best thing for Conan is leaving NBC and I laughed my arse of watching his new promo for his show.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
For A Friend
That you were going through;
We only kept on seeing
What we really wanted to.
We saw the outward smile,
But not your inner pain;
We never really dreamt,
That you would never smile again.
Forgive us if we failed to see,
What we could do to aid;
Or if we failed to comprehend,
How much you were afraid.
We pray your mental anguish,
Will now forever cease;
And that your deep anxieties,
Will be replaced by peace.
We know your pain invaded,
Every single thought you had;
It made you cry internally,
And deeply, deeply sad.
But we in turn remember,
The good times, not the bad;
We remember when you smiled at us,
And not when you were sad.
So when we think about your life,
We won’t dwell upon its close;
We’ll remember all the good times,
And forget about life’s blows.
We’ll remember all the happiness,
The joy and not the tears;
The assurance and the confidence,
And not irrational fears.
Our lives have all been better,
Because you have been there;
So now we leave your memory,
In God’s all-loving care.
(For Michael 1991-2010)
Friday, October 1, 2010
2010 Elections
I thought I this was my take on the upcoming elections in November.
Do yourself a favor and all of us and VOTE!
Week 4 NFL Football Picks
Last week I picked 10 out of 16 right and event though that wasn't great, I did beat 5 out of 6 people that went against me. This week I hope to improve on my record and if you want to then go ahead and see what you can do against me and good luck!
Week 4 Picks
Falcons over the 49ers
Jets over the Bills
Bengals over the Browns
Packers over the Lions
Broncos over the Titans
Seahawks over the Rams
Saints over the Panthers
Ravens over the Steelers
Colts over the Jaguars
Texans over the Raiders
Chargers over the Cardinals
Redskins over the Eagles
Bears over the Giants
Monday Night
Patriots over the Dolphins
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Airport Traveling
I have had some experience traveling through airports and at times I would totally agree with this nice lady.
WOW! Chicago Bears Are 3-0
The Chicago Bears are 3-0 and even though I am a lifelong Bears fans even I'm a bit surprised.
On my picks for week 3 I did get 10 out of 16 right (not bad, not great).
I will have my picks for week 4 up on Thursday or Friday.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Ground Zero Mosque 60 Minutes
In case you didn't see 60 minutes story on the ground zero mosque on 9/26/10, then here it is. I will keep my opinions to myself and let you decide.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
A'jad's weird week in Big Apple -
A'jad's weird week in Big Apple -
It is nice to know that this nut job was meeting with militant minister Louis Farrakhan while he was in New York last week.
check out the NY Post article with the link above.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Don't Ever Say No To The Panda
If you ask me this Panda is a bad ass and I wouldn't screw with it.
Week 3 NFL Football Predictions This Week
So a few friends of mine asked me to put my football picks up on my site so they can compare their picks to mine. I can't give out any prizes but if you want to make your own picks and see how you do against mine, then go ahead and Good Luck!
NFL Week 3
49ers over the Chiefs
Ravens over the Browns
Cowboys over the Texans
Vikings over the Lions
Patriots over the Bills
Saints over the Falcons
Giants over the Titans
Steelers over the Buccaneers
Panthers over the Bengals
Eagles over the Jaguars
Redskins over the Rams
Colts over the Broncos
Cardinals over the Raiders
Chargers over the Seahawks
Jets over the Dolphins
Monday Night
Bears over the Packers
Friday, September 24, 2010
Swiss Prime Minister Laughing
I guess the Swiss Prime Minister just finds cured meat hilarious.
Is This Priest For Real ???
I am not sure I agree with this priest but he does have an interesting take on Hell.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Phil Davison For President
I don't know what this guy stands up for or what his views are but I would vote for him just because of his passion
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Man charged in Wrigleyville bomb plot -
Man charged in Wrigleyville bomb plot -
This one is getting a bit to close to home.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Everyone Getting Along
I figured with the November elections coming around the corner that this commercial might be inspirational (OK, at least it is worth a laugh).
Friday, September 17, 2010
DWTS Coming Soon
DWTS is starting up next week and I figured that I would give everyone a little warm-up until it starts.
Bill Maher On Larry King
Bill Maher spreading his BS on Larry King and calling the GOP racists and Larry King is letting him getting away with the N-word without even a remark about it. I am not telling anyone how to vote but if the shoe was on the other foot I believe there would be a bigger uproar about this. Like I said I don't consider myself a Republican or a Democrat but what is fair is fair.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Betty White Clothing
A friend sent me this vid and I have to admit Betty White does get better with age.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Elmhurst grandmother charged with stabbing infant - Triblocal - Voice of the town
Anyone For Tea?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Daisy Goes a Dancing
Macyn Taylor plays "Daisy Goes a Dancing" and if you couldn't tell by now, I like the finger-style acoustic guitar sound.
Mr. Microphone
Some reason this popped into my head I just wanted to get this stuck in every bodies head besides mine.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
'I Love Boobies'
Schools are banning bracelets that bring awareness to breast cancer is just ridiculous to me. I understand that maybe think works like boobies might not be appropriate for school but that is part of the reason to bring awareness to the cause. A child of 3 or 4 years old know what boobies are and any boy who is 13 years old and is just going through puberty is going to laugh at any part of any word that references a females anatomy. These bracelets only spell out the words boobies and are not being played out load like the newscast that mention the words boobies 28 times in a broadcast. I ask you what is next? Will they stop kids that were the American flag because some of the other students aren't from the United States.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Beer Robot
Saturday, September 4, 2010
James Patterson's "Don't Blink" Sweepstates
Enter for a Chance to Win One of 25 Advance Copies of James Patterson's Don't Blink!
I love freebies and if you like James Patterson's novels follow the link below to win a chance to win a advanced copy of his latest novel.
Enter Sweepstakes by clicking here
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Chicago Bears Prediction
Ok football season is right around the corner and the above clip is Peter King's prediction for the Chicago Bears.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
This Bitch Can Dance
I am sure this one will be all over the net if you haven't all ready seen it by now
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Another Video That Makes Me Scratch My Head And Go Why?
I think this is like Sesame Street, one of these things don't fit with the others.
USB Rechargable Batteries
Click here
Monday, July 12, 2010
Willy Wonka Alternate Ending
I loved the Move "Willie Wonka" when I was a kid but I think this also would make a great ending.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
To All Those Vuvuzela I Hear At The World Cup, I Agree With This Dog
If anybody is reading this, I know I haven't posted in awhile but I'll soon try to post more.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I remember this time back with I was a kid back in 1971 listening to the radio to the Blackhawks game. This story starts when I was young, when the Blackhawks were in the Stanley Cup that year and started the series off winning the first two games against the Montreal Canadiens and the cup was within reach. The Canadiens proved that they also were unbeatable on home ice and the series came down to a game seven in Chicago at the old barn (Chicago Stadium). My Blackhawks jumped out to a 2-0 lead in that game and I was all but sure that I would see that Cup come back to my city and my dream would be fulfilled. The evil Canadiens came back and scored the next 3 goals and I was devastated. I have waited patiently (ok, I was miserable) over many, many years, for another chance for my home team to bring back the Cup and once again I am getting my hopes up again for this young team. It would not be fair for me to compare this team to the 71’ squad but they do have a lot in common. I do believe this team can do it though and will not have the collapse that the team of my youth had. So with that being said, I will watch my Hawks again battle over the next week or two and maybe, just maybe, they can finally bring back the elusive Lord Stanley to Chicago and Go Hawks!
Blog Archive
- Adjustments
- Solution For Sex Rehab
- Vikings At Bears Today
- WGN Gets Rid Of The Pig
- Chicago Bears Begin The 2nd Half Of The Season Today
- Lebron James Nike Parody Commercial
- Did Immodestly-Dressed Women Cause The Earthquake ...
- Toys For Tots Campaign
- The Day After The Election
- Why Vote ?
- Interuption In My Blogging
- Happy Voting Everyone Part II
- Happy Voting Everyone
- Bombogenisis Here Today
- Why Couldn't You Just Keep Your Peen In Your Pants...
- Chicago was EmBEARassed Yesterday
- I've Heard Of The Smahing Pumpkins, But This Is Ri...
- Funny Social Media Parody
- Close Election Races In Illinois
- I Need To Get A Beer Dog Like This One
- Lion And Kid At The Zoo
- Japanese TV Show Prank With Zombie Attacking Children
- Its Friday, Enough Said
- Funny Obama (WARNING NSFW)
- What Ever Happened To The Neighborhood Knife Sharp...
- Week 7 NFL Picks
- Gravity Defying (Sperm) Shoe ???
- Got Wood ?
- Just Give The Kitty The Food
- Tea Party? Screw That I'm For The Rent Is Too Damn...
- A Political Message From Elvira
- Good Old Chester
- Halloween Poem
- President Obama To Appear On Mythbusters
- Monday Morning Tortoise Helping Out Another Tortoise
- Des Plaines Theater Rebirth Again ????
- Neighbors Of The Year Apologize
- Neighbors Of The Year ???
- Illinois Misses The Deadline For Mailing Absentee ...
- Leslie's Omnibus: Drive-Bys
- Obama On The Chilean Miners
- NFL Football Picks Week 6
- Tag In The Year 2010
- Cute Little Puppy That Talks
- Don't Watch Those Scary Movies
- Next Chicago Mayor ???
- John Lennon Peace Tower
- Chicago Blackhawks Home Opener
- Universal Beer Remote Control
- John Lennon Stand By Me
- Sporting News Makes Chicago The #1 Sports City Of ...
- NFL Footbal Picks Week 5
- Zombie Attacks How To Survive Them
- This Teacher Hates Cell Phones
- Just A Reminder To Vote
- Cigar Guy In Tiger Woods Photo
- Conan Washes His Car
- For A Friend
- 2010 Elections
- Polands Got Talent
- Week 4 NFL Football Picks
- Airport Traveling
- WOW! Chicago Bears Are 3-0
- Ground Zero Mosque 60 Minutes
- A'jad's weird week in Big Apple -
- Don't Ever Say No To The Panda
- Week 3 NFL Football Predictions This Week
- Swiss Prime Minister Laughing
- Is This Priest For Real ???
- Introducing DJ Kitty
- Phil Davison For President
- Man charged in Wrigleyville bomb plot - chicagotri...
- This Relationship is Going To Go Far
- Everyone Getting Along
- DWTS Coming Soon
- September
- Bill Maher On Larry King
- Betty White Clothing
- Elmhurst grandmother charged with stabbing infant ...
- Anyone For Tea?
- Finally There Is Truth In Advertising
- Pucker Up
- Never Forget
- Daisy Goes a Dancing
- Mr. Microphone
- Somewhere In The World Gallagher Would Be Proud
- 'I Love Boobies'
- Beer Robot
- I Don't Blame The Ibex On This One
- Pug Fail
- This is Why Italian Restaurants Will Fail in Dubai
- James Patterson's "Don't Blink" Sweepstates
- Chicago Bears Prediction
- Unhearit
- This Bitch Can Dance
- I Like A Good Pole Dancer
- This Is A Test
- Another Video That Makes Me Scratch My Head And Go...
- Now I Know What Will Happen To Harry Potter When H...
- If You Are Going To Make Bathroom Graffiti, Please...
- This Is Why It Is Important To Vote
- I Miss The Old Days When It Was More Acceptable To...
- I Might Just Try This In My Breakroom At My Work
- USB Rechargable Batteries
- Willy Wonka Alternate Ending